Central City Recovery

Location(s): Downtown Los Angeles (9th floor of the Historic Weingart Building)

Residential Treatment for your substance-use disorder, the program ranges from 30 to 120 days depending on medical necessity and the need of a controlled environment to establish a foundation for recovery. Our co-ed program provides an evidence-based trauma-informed care model of utilizing cognitive behavior therapy and motivational interviewing. Program emphasis includes instruction on developing coping and life skills allowing each individual to maintain a healthy, productive lifestyle and overcome the stress and barriers to successful daily living. We provide wrap-around services including assessments, individual and group therapy and counseling, treatment planning, case management and referrals. All potential patients must have or qualify for Medi-Cal or My Health LA coverage within Los Angeles County. Ideal candidates will meet the following criteria: be over 18 years of age, have an imminent need for substance-use disorder treatment, and to be comfortable in a multicultural setting with individuals of diverse ethnicities and lifestyles. Contact number: (213) 529-0963

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