Volunteers of America Los Angeles (VOALA) and American Veterans Mini Home Builders (AVMHB), are utilizing modular homes to develop and build mini homes for homeless veterans. AVMHB’s mission is to “provide a scalable semi-transportable solution to a reachable portion of the chronic homeless population in Los Angeles County” and to “provide temporary to permanent monitored housing for the homeless population, targeting newly homeless individuals and “reachable” homeless as our initial goal.”
“There are hundreds of thousands of backyards in Los Angeles County that are entitled to have a mini home located there,” VOALA president Bob Pratt says. “And we think that’s a very cost-effective and quick way to create new housing.
“We’re very excited about this project as a way, initially, to meet the needs of veterans and their families that are at risk of becoming homeless.”
Learn how AVMHB actually create and build the mini homes, and who helps them do it.